mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

a green light for tiger salamanders


Despite how I got mad at gratitude in the last entry, spring has (kind of) sprung and while I like all the seasons, spring in particular turns me into a luxury-head, a sensualist, a maximalist sleepily smiling in an opium den—but the hyper-organized kind who wants to put all her beautiful, luscious best-of-everything stuff into labeled bins and baskets. (I have a feeling opium-den residents don’t do this part. Maybe mine was laced with meth?)

I have been seriously acquisitive lately. Why?

No matter what the reason, here is a way-too-long blathering about Stuff I Like. The last time I did something like this was on a pretty small scale but my invisible friends seemed to like it and I had a lot of nice conversations about stuff. So here’s more stuff about stuff! In a way more chaotic fashion because I’ve had caffeine. Some of the stuff I’ve listed you can purchase or consume, and some you cannot. Just go with it! Let’s go!

a golden 5-pound bucket that says "HOG BRAINS"
book cover of The Automobile Girls

*Joan Crawford is in it for only about 10 minutes, but she manages to call someone a “tramp” twice and (spoiler alert) die on camera in a super-duper Joan Crawford way. It takes literal minutes. LOVE IT. 

**I mean, check out the taglines.

—mimi smartypants knows who you are and saw what you did.