Sick. Mere days after I had been semi-smugly reflecting on the fact that I had not been sick in a while. Thanks, karma! I have a terrible sore throat and LT is sympathetic but also keeps asking me if I think a zinc supplement would help. Ha ha. Very funny. So far (knock wood, throw […]
FOUR THINGS THAT ARE AWESOME ABOUT HAVING A SCHOOL-AGED KID They have interesting things to talk about. Toddlers are great, but there is only so much pointing out big! dogs! and pretty! flowers! that one can take. It is amazing to watch them develop friendships. Real friendships based on shared affinities and complementary personalities, instead […]
THIS WEEK IN SIGHTS AND SOUNDS AND WORDS 1. I just watched this episode of Hoarders, the one with all the brain-damaged, inexplicably angry hillbillies and animal cruelty. While it made me the usual amount of sick, there was some serious cognitive dissonance going on while watching Gary (the guy who let his rented house be […]
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