mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

hi and welcome to boxworld

I’m no hoarder. In fact, I don’t even think of myself as someone who has “a lot of stuff.” I would have said that I have a medium amount of stuff, certainly less than people with giant suburban homes and multiple children and a greater love for holiday decorations. Of course, I would have said that before I started to put all my stuff in boxes and move it to a different house.

We have stuff. Even with the amazing amount I have thrown away or donated. I guess one doesn’t just live in the same place for eleven years, seven of which were with child, without accumulation. So that brings us to the present day, and the present move, and the gigantic mountain of boxes in my dining room. The cats like to climb on top of it and yowl their displeasure at how we have destroyed their world, their happiness, and their sense of security. Little do they know that it’s about to get worse.


Stress aside (we have one weekend left to pack and it’s Halloween weekend—oh yeah, nothing’s going on THEN), I can’t wait to be in the new place. Somehow closing costs have ended up being less than we planned. When does that ever happen? But it will be nice to have the monetary cushion for the inevitable fifty thousand trips to Home Depot. And nostalgia for the freakishly slow Devon bus aside, the one-step commute and walking to school are going to be nothing short of awesome. Extra morning sleep for everyone! Or in Nora’s case, extra lollygagging at the breakfast table and extra book chapters, I guess.


My current toothpaste is supposedly studded with bits of “breath strips,” and the slogan on the side said it is “Packed To The Max With Freshness!” LT has informed me that would also be an appropriate slogan for his penis. It would be a very specific and targeted (one customer) ad campaign, however, and I’m not sure it’s worth the capital outlay.

—mimi smartypants has tape gun, will travel.