When I sat down on the El today, there was a piece of paper on my seat. This is what it said (handwritten): It's okay I understand, this ain't no never-never land. I hope that when this issue's gone, I'll see you when your clothes are on. We'll take your car, Yes we will, we'll […]
LINKS! CONTENT! BUT MOSTLY LINKS! ALL JUMBLED UP LIKE A MAYONNAISE-INTENSIVE CHURCH SUPPER SALAD!Ramen museum. Yesterday I had a haircut, with a new person at a new haircut place. Louis was very quiet and understated, which I liked since I was not feeling particularly chatty. It was a nice contrast to my last TWO haircut […]
Never go grocery shopping at night. When you're hungry. And tired. And you've had a crummy day. You will get very strange cravings and you will buy strange things. All your odd cravings will come out, and you will be all crazy, thinking “I need goat cheese, and lots of bread-related items, and grapes, and […]
THOSE WHO CAN'T MAKE SENSE, MAKE LINKSStatistically average band names.Fake author weblogs. Martin Amis is sick of being British.Article about melody and repetition in the oeuvre of Queen. When I lived in Bahrain I drove a tiny little Toyota with a tape deck and, for a while, only one tape. That tape was some cheesy […]
This has not been my favorite week. There is work sturm und drang that is so stupid I can't even begin to describe it adequately, and that necessitates a lot of closed-door meetings and a lot of me pretending that I am a manager type and a grown-up who has a ghost of a clue […]
On the way home from the bus I was almost run over by a little kid on one of those Green Machines (remember those? They were the shit.) Ear curls flying, yarmulke nearly lost to the wind, he was seriously hauling ass and yelling at the top of his lungs the entire time: GRRRRAAAAARRRRR! His […]
OH YEAH!I was far away from the computer all weekend. In spirit, if not in actual proximity. LT and I moved furniture, getting really sweaty and tired in the process, and started turning our “spare room” into the new “study.” It's much bigger than the tiny back bedroom, which means that I can get my […]
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