WHAT COULD BE MORE USELESS THAN A WEB PAGE, ANSWER ME THAT? PARTICULARLY THIS WEB PAGE.Whenever my job gets me down I think, “at least nobody peed or ejaculated on my keyboard today.” I just mailed off a letter to my alderman wherein I inquired about putting speed bumps in my alley. I think speed […]
Do these shadowy pools of sleeplessness under my eyes make me more attractive? Huh? How about the panicky fluttery grogginess, so that I assume the expression of a Very Startled Weasel whenever you try to ask me a question? Or maybe you are more drawn to the fact that my hands today feel like a […]
Any idea who sent voice mail message to my office late last night that consisted of just a lot of rhythmic clicking? The rhythmic clicking was actually pretty compelling, so I've saved the message. BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS (it's definitely not Morse code), so if you were trying to tell me something, […]
I DON'T WANT TO MAKE TRANSISTIONS TONIGHT, EVEN IN MY USUAL SKETCHY STYLE, SO FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELT BABYIsn't it astounding how you can be in a good, or at least non-suicidal, mood and something can just ruin it for you? Everything kind of converged at once this afternoon: stupid phone calls, e-mail from a […]
TOO MANY LINKS SPOILS THE JOURNAL BUT WHO GIVES A RAT'S ASS?Martin Luther hates women, snakes, monkeys, and Jews. Martin Luther can bite me. The only reason I was merrily prancing about in Martin Luther cyberspace is that I am still on the gummi worm kick (if you sliced open my carotid artery bright-colored gelatin […]
Adorable. The octopus. Has eight arms. Changes color. Is always venomous to a certain extent. Has a beak and three hearts. (Because they have SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE.) Can grow a new limb if necessary. Can escape almost any container if it puts its mind to it. Tires easily because it has such high […]
I am: hilarious in French! So much funnier than in English!I am: ever so suave. There is this Thai place where I like to have lunch sometimes, not least because it is right by the hospital and is very heavily patronized by doctors, and I like to eat lunch with a lot of doctors around […]
Updating often makes me want to update more. Conversely, if I don't update for a few days I sort of forget about it altogether. Sort of like sex: getting some is good, but it only makes you want to get more. Or maybe that's just me. Maybe you have sex and make updates in your […]
Today has been all about pretending to care. At work I was called into an Emergency Meeting where there was great wailing and gnashing of teeth and rending of garments, and the thing is.Here's the thing.The thing is, part of this work crisis was easily fixable, and part of it was something you just had […]
What do you call a guy with one arm nailed to a wall? Art.Last night = Le Tigre show. Where I was definitely not the only girl in a shirt and tie. In fact, the Waif Fanciers Club, if there was such a thing, would have done well to attend the Le Tigre show as […]
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