MONKEYS Those naughty monkeys! Those monkeys are bad! No monkey no!A HELPFUL GUIDE TO STREET PEOPLEYou know, I've lived in Chicago for a while. I've also worked downtown for a while. You get to see the same people over and over again. Here is a short guide to some of the more colorful citizens that […]
Just about the best Chicago Sun-Times Weather Word ever: Today is RIDICULOUS. Oh yes! It's just a non-stop Theater of the Absurd here in Chicago! All is empty and meaningless! Our existence is futile! Here in the Windy City, the search for truth in weather has been abandoned, and weather-related language is but a bantering […]
I FLY AWAY AND MAKE REMARKSNext month I have to be in San Diego for five days, for a conference, and thus I wanted to give a big shout-out to all you worldly and well-traveled people and ask: if you know of fun cool things to do in San Diego and environs, please e-mail me […]
HOW TO WEAR THONG UNDERWEARYou just have to make peace with it. Picture the thong bathed in healing white light. Talk to it (to avoid involuntary hospitalization, this is best done in your mind only). Say: Thong Underwear, I know you mean no harm. In fact, you are trying to make my ass look better […]
Because of University of Chicago's administrative incompetence, I can't find this lecture online anywhere, but I am there, I am so there, I am there already:The Molecular Biology of Pestilence: A Twenty-First-Century Look at the Black DeathThis interdisciplinary lecture will discuss the pathogenic strategies used by Yersinia pestis, the microbe responsible for the plagues that […]
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