Nothing I have read in the past few months comes close to the sadness that is every other page of The Journals of John Cheever. I am starting to use it almost as a kind of melancholy stichomancy (say that three times fast). Here's what I got just now from opening it at random: What […]
From the Stop It, You're Making Me Blush, Overly Erotic Medical Language Department (for short, the SIYMMBOEMLD): this surgery article references “deep warm moist clefts.” Several times. Good lord.Frazzled, me? Why yes thank you for noticing. The current chair of the San Diego conference just e-mailed me all casual, “whoops I seem to have double-booked […]
From the window of the bus I have seen things. (I say what I have seen and believe; and whoever says I have not seen what I have seen, I will now tear off his head. For I am an unpardonable Brute, and so I shall be until Time is no longer Time.) Here is […]
I KNOW IT'S ONLY ROCK AND ROLL BUT I LIKE IT, I GUESS (x3)1. My new favorite thing to listen to (and I am not in any way being sarcastic) is the midi version of “I Love Rock and Roll” (you'll have to scroll down some). I just find it charming and delightful. Somewhere Joan […]
HONESTLY I AM NOT KIDDING THERE IS NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE HERE TODAYSilly me: I sent Kat a voodoo curse, from this page, and soon thereafter she sends me an IM asking, “Did you just send me a voodoo curse?” (which is a pretty funny IM to receive, actually), and I had forgotten that I had. […]
My goodness I am manic. And the Weather Word today is HOPEFUL. And it's no use to even try and shut me up, because my brain is faster than than yours. I have a BIG CRAZY BRAIN.Ahem. Speaking of big crazy brains—although I did briefly try an antidepressant, years ago, to help me with little […]
INGEST THISMore fake cereal. Last night LT and I worked some more on developing our psychedelic concept cereal, which we are naming Helter Skelter. Here is the tagline for the ad campaign:“IT'S FREAKING ME OUT!”I think the box should feature a bunch of dilated-pupil children tumbling down one of those M. C. Escher slides, all […]
Formula, recipe, alchemy: take one loose-knit group of boys and girls determined to feel something interesting. Add the steady, constant application of cheap domestic beer (like a windless low-pressure system, like a middle-C drone) punctuated by tequila shots (like solar flares, like timpani entrances). Overlay with an increasingly shrill manic cheerfulness and punctuate with a […]
If you and a friend were thinking about splitting three bottles of wine between the two of you, let me just say that I tried it out yesterday, just for you, sort of like a wet dry run, and while it will make you cheerful and loquacious it's a bit bad for the brain. LT […]
SMALLI am not very good with standard girly compliments. Friends and lovers of both genders have noticed this—I secretly enjoy hearing those sorts of things but it sends me into a spasm of self-consciousness and freak-out (I have been known to literally whimper in embarrassment) if you tell me that I look nice or attractive […]
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