THE CONTENT PROVIDER HAS LEFT THE BUILDING: or, A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR YOUR FRIDAY PERUSAL, AS HAS BECOME A TRADITION OF SORTS, by mimi smartypantsIf you read me you might read him, my partner in preoccupation, and I could send him this link directly via e-mail but that just seems too easy in today's […]
Although I like my job, every once in a while you want to see what's out there, just to make sure the grass isn't really greener etc, so every once in a while I poke around in various websites and classifieds. And every once in a while I get headhunted, which is always very flattering, […]
Happy Palindrome Year. I think I'm mostly recovered now from playing hostess. Every year we throw a New Year's party I worry that it will be boring, or that we'll run out of liquor or food, or that my friends from separate sections of my life (work, college, other) won't mingle well, or that out […]
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