I am reading and editing a whole pile of clinical psychiatry research articles, in the context of work, and this one article keeps distinguishing between depression and “normal sadness.” Normal sadness. (There I go with the Kurt Vonnegut-esque echolalia stylings again.) (Warning: that link leads to a somewhat creepy page. Don't go there if you […]
Restless Mimi. I want to dance and jump and play a giant conga drum and smoke long cigarettes and scream into a microphone and make the scene. Or maybe that's just the caffeine and headphones punk rock talking. Note to the guy who flashed me the 100-watt smile and sexy wink through the train window. […]
Things That May Seem Boring or Pointless to You but That I Enjoy Quite a Bit:Diagramming sentences. Shut up. It's fun.Finding kindred grammar spirits. The author of this page neatly sums up all those irritating overly conservative grammar shibboleths that drive me bananas. I care about precise language (oh do I ever), but not to […]
I document the details, the mundane rundown for future generations. Today I decided I deserved better tea than what I had at work, and I still have all these Lettuce Entertain You gift cards that colleagues gave me for Christmas and that I've never used, because I never eat at those restaurants. (Now if there […]
This morning I'm on the train and I'm feeling a little surreal and out of it, because of my continuing inability to stay asleep very well, and as I leave my seat to get off at Grand I stumble a bit and step on some guy's foot, and in the course of apologizing and steadying […]
If anyone puts one more piece of paper on my desk, I will scream. Either scream or fall upon my sword like a centurion. Better death than this dishonor. I can hardly see the forest for the pulp. I've been reading like a banshee (question: were/are banshees literate?) all day, trying to get things done, […]
MY TIRELESS EFFORTS TO KEEP YOU SAFE ON PUBLIC TRANSPORTATIONBy mimi smartypantsI'm on the train. (If you notice the time stamp on this entry, you will see that this is really not so.)(I don't know why I feel the need to ruin my narrative stylings with parenthetical explanations. It's a sickness.)Let's try again. I'm on […]
HEAVY ON THE LINKS, HOLD THE COMEDY, AND GIVE IT WINGSThis made me cry, but maybe that's just me, so feel free to nod politely and go on with your lives, but I still think it's worth printing out or bookmarking and reading properly. (Now I'm telling you how to read. Could I be any […]
Google reveals the deepest truths yet again. Mimi Smartypants has all the answers: how can I masturbate creatively? MY SITE IS NUMBER 4. It pleases me to know that you people are not just content to masturbate the same old way each time. You are doing research. You are pushing the envelope of whacking off. […]
Benjamin Franklin's alternative alphabet. Odd that just yesterday, I mentioned Ben Franklin to him. Even odder that yesterday turned out to be Ben Franklin's birthday. I'm not normally a huge Ben-Franklin-mentioner, so this coincidence is especially appealing, and were I less of a materialist I might conclude that Ben Franklin's spirit is trying to tell […]
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