There's something about Chicago I'll bet anything you didn't know. It's not in any guidebook. And that is the fact that Chicago's citizens feel compelled to show me their genitalia on public transportation. It's true, and it's happened to me multiple times. They ride the train, they see me board, and they reach into their […]
Wow, what a weekend. I got 2 naps (I'm a champion napper) and 2 nights out. Friday was Ten Cat, then Lemmings, and Saturday I went with friends to see the Margaret Cho movie (which was okay…I didn't exactly bust a gut, but I did laugh) and then dancing at Neo. It was a good […]
Remember the day I absentmindedly wiped makeup on the lapels of my black jacket? Today I leaned over the sink and spat toothpaste right on my arm. Right on the sleeve of my shirt. So I had to change, right before leaving the house. Charming.I don't know why I'm surprised anymore when I do boneheaded […]
I am quite bored right now. Our database, which contains manuscripts and articles (in short, my reason for being here) is broken, and as the day drags on it doesn't look like the IT nerds are going to be successful anytime soon. I was passing the time by playing this little on-line Shockwave video game […]
Been watching some television, believe it or not. I'm hooked on the Powerpuff Girls. I'm embarassed to admit I want the CD.I've also become weirdly fascinated with this thing called the World's Strongest Man competition. Have you seen this? It's on ESPN (motto: We're Running Out of Sports) like every 15 minutes. Ridiculously huge guys […]
I propose that every cubicle and every office in every place of business in America be equipped with emergency copies of the complete Pixies discography, for it is absolutely impossible to be psychotically depressed when listening to the Pixies (au contraire, the Pixies always seem to make me psychotically happy), and I think this would […]
I have achieved a new level of hungover-ness. Actually it's not that terrible, it just seems that way because I'm at work. Sucking down the diet pepsi and chomping on a bagel (bready thing + cream cheesiness = health and happiness) in an effort to become this side of normal.Calling in was not an option, […]
So I'm over at Kat's place, and I have the Reader spread open, and we're looking for something to do, and these big letters catch my eye, “BOSNIAN REFUGEES” and that's kind of a weird name but bands at Empty Bottle are usually pretty cool so I'm like “Let's go see that Bosnian Refugees” and […]
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