chart-topping dithyramb
One hundred percent true: I woke up this morning thinking, “Gee, Your Crotch Smells Terrific.” Oh the mirth! Oh the comedy! Even in my sleep.
I'm back from my whirlwind 18 hours or so in Madison, Wisconsin: wine and Italian food and book-related discussion and more wine with some almost-excessively-domestic friends who live there. They are lovely hosts, and have a lovely home: fresh flowers and down comforters and homemade sourdough French toast in the morning. It's all very nice, don't get me wrong, but made me feel a bit inadequate. I love to entertain but if you sleep over you should consider yourself lucky if you get a teabag and a bagel thrown at you the next day.
If you are in Chicago, and need to be in Madison for any reason, I recommend the bus from O'Hare: $21 and you can read the whole time. A bargain when you consider the tolls, the gas, the horror of books on tape, etc.
LT has come down with a minor case of siege engine obsession. He wants to buy a place in the country so he can build a trebuchet and hurl pianos around. I'm a bit concerned.
Carnauba wax: You can put it on your car! You can put it on your shoes! You can put it in your mouth, oh you better believe you can! Yum! Amen, brother!
A movie review that actually made me a bit intrigued, and if this cold gets any worse and prevents me from going out and drinking and “making the scene” (you know that's a joke, right? I couldn't make a scene if I had a pre-cut easy-to-assemble scene-making kit with clear explicit instructions), I may look into renting it. Brad Pitt, doing a boring romantic-lead kind of thing, where he actually has to talk a lot, doesn't interest me in the slightest. A sweaty, bruised, humiliated, shirtless Brad Pitt being flogged in a Chinese prison, however, sounds kind of nice.
Dress up warm today, all you Chicago kids. There's a big difference between 20°F and 30°F.
—mimi smartypants is like jellyroll like sculpture.