mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

meatballs, hair, and the long arm of the law

I had my hair cut yesterday. I just couldn't take all the length and the fighting the bendy bits and the blow-drying and the round brush anymore. Not to mention that I'm a total klutz with the blow-drying thing. I have neither 5 extra arms nor a talented hairdresser to blow my hair dry every morning. So I'm much better off with simple hair, like the chin-length bob I'm sporting now. (“Oh, you bobbed your hair. How DARING” was LT's remark when he saw me. He said it in his best posh 1920's rake-about-town drawl. I guess you sort of had to be there.) I worry, however, that the haircut will make me look younger. Now I have Ramona Quimby hair, minus the bangs. Actually, I look a bit more like this girl,right down to the different-size pupils.

Enough (actually, more than enough) about hair.

I know I pay way too much attention to precise language, but does anyone else get a mental picture of a giant meatball when walking past Subway? Whenever I see the sign for a “six-inch meatball sub” I picture one six-inch meatball, just sitting in the middle of a sandwich. Maybe that's just me.

The word “meatball” sure is funny.

File under “meta”: Yesterday wasn't just all about hair. I also had a Minor Crisis about Why I Do This Thing, and considered stopping. Doing it, that is. But I decided I may have a few good stories left in me, and why not continue since it harms no one. At least I think it harms no one. Do you feel you've been harmed in any way by reading the web journal of Mimi Smartypants? There could be a class action lawsuit brewing.

You want something to think about? I'll give you something to think about, mister. Time.Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Heh. Good god. Yeeeooowww! (And other assorted James Brown noises.)


—mimi smartypants