quite blown away (by the wind, that is)
Dinner last night was amazing—asparagus and mushroom risotto in like a creamy sun dried tomato broth—all the hip and cool food buzzwords, yes I know, but it truly was delicious. Then R (the sister-in-law) and I went to Lemming's and had beer, and I had a panicky few moments when I thought I had lost the cell phone. It was just in the bottom of my bag, but wouldn't that be typically boneheaded of me, the one time I have it instead of LT and I'm the one to lose the fucker. The phone, that is. I really have to work on the unclear referent problem I have.
Today the sky's all gray and the sky's all drippy, and it's windy as hell, and colder than it should be, and I'm not looking forward to walking across the river to go get my eyes checked….the bridges are the windiest parts of the Windy City, in the winter sometimes the city even puts up guide ropes over there so you can pull yourself along. I'm not kidding.
Anyway, folks, that's all.
—mimi smartypants
(I shouldn't be so pathetic and ask for gratification this way, but if anybody's reading this crap, go ahead and drop me a line. I know I'M reading other journals on the diaryland domain…are others too? Or are you in your own little world?)