mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

Jupiter Best and Greatest

January is my least favorite month. It may include my two most favorite people’s birthdays (LT Capricorn like me, Aaron later Aquarius), but January fucking blows, even in times when the world is not going to shit.

But honestly, when was that? (“That” referring to the world going to shit.) A thousand years ago? Nah, there was plenty of war and strife in 1025 too. Although 1025 was the coronation of Polish king Boleslaw (either “the Brave” or “the Great” depending on who was writing things down). I would have been in a medieval Polish prison immediately for making cabbage jokes and calling him Coleslaw the Brave. You would probably be in the next cell. 

I have been reading a biography of Pliny (the Younger), who was pretty interesting and also a great letter writer, two things I aspire to be. His uncle though (the Elder) is the one who wrote a thirty-seven volume “encyclopedia of everything,” and it strikes me how common it was in ye old olden days for a rich guy just to be like “here’s a book about everything.” Even Jonathan Swift, much much later, had his essay “Thoughts on Various Subjects,” which is a terrible title because how do you know if you want to read that. Turns out Swift was mostly fucking around, and you do want to read that. But you know what I mean. 

The only people producing books about everything these days usually have serious mental illness. Their books are in teeny tiny handwriting on a roll of shop towels and they try to tell you all about it on the bus.  

Here is a story about Francis Bacon, a ghost chicken, and a woman who was minding her own business until a carriage pulled up and a rich dude who had a Passing Science Thought forced her to be part of his narriative. Men. I swear.


—mimi smartypants was walking down the road with her heavy heavy load.