mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

are those oils really essential

What have I done since I last wrote over one thousand words about Murphy’s testicles? I hesitate to share another cat-related anecdote, but since I now have three of them there are lots more to share. We had another wallet-draining vet visit; this time for Rocko to get some teeth removed. Besides being fat and crazy, Rocko has a serious case of meth mouth and this is actually his second dental surgery. No more after this, I swear. He is too damn old and he will just have to go to the Sky Litterbox with the pitifully few teeth he has left.

Everything went well except that Murphy lost his dumb little mind when Rocko returned from the surgery. He was hissing and screeching and basically acting like he had never seen this cat before in his life. It got better, but VERY slowly, and it was making us all bananas so I asked the vet’s advice during the follow-up phone call. She said to get some dirty laundry and rub it on him, since Murphy was most likely reacting to the surgery-smell.

So let’s recap: you are minding your own business on the couch when someone grabs you, locks you up in a small box, and takes you to the dentist. There you are knocked out with anesthesia and wake up minus two teeth. Once home, your roommate follows you around and screams in your face for a few days. Then every time you lie down for a nap, one of your other roommates sneaks up with a fistful of dirty underpants and rubs them all over your body, saying, “Hold still, I’m trying to HELP you.” Oh Rocko. It is hard to be you.








I don’t really believe in hunches or premonitions, because to me those are the same as dreams: a bunch of leftover crumbs and lint for your brain-Roomba to trundle around in and hoover up. Because your brain-Roomba is essentially a Meaningful Narrative Machine, it tries to put them in some sort of order, and that’s why people are all like THE UNIVERSE IS TELLING ME A THING. The universe does not give a shit, homie. Empty out your brain-Roomba’s dust cup and let’s move on.

That said, the other day I woke up with a very strong thought and that was, “Trump is gone by February.” Let’s grasp at straws! MAYBE???? I don’t really care if it’s impeachment or stroking out on the toilet but to be brutally honest I sort of hope for the latter, because Twitter will be unbearable if there are impeachment proceedings. Or maybe that should be “more” unbearable. HA HA I’M A RIOT. I love to bitch about internet platforms that allow me to share my stupid jokes and half-assed ideas widely and for free, and where I can post side-by-side with verified Nazis oops there I go again.

—mimi smartypants in way more than 140 280 characters.