mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

pitch-shifted vocal samples


I have not updated in a long time.


If anyone ever texted me a dick pic, I would want to immediately text back a picture of a better-looking dick. This is unlikely to happen—the dudes in my social circle were raised correctly, and LT could just wait until he got home to show me in person—but I kind of want to have a dick pic at the ready just in case. BUT DON’T TEXT ME ONE, I will just get it off the internet or something.


Speaking of dicks, we were in Florida recently. It’s shaped like a dick! Kind of.

This was a random long weekend in Fort Lauderdale. I guess LT had been quietly freaking out over Chicago’s long cold winter, because one evening he called me over to the computer and showed me a Southwest ticketing page, and I said fine, press that button.



I am exploring alternatives/adjuncts to my little dose of chill-the-fuck-out (Lexapro). There is no urgency to the idea of quitting the meds—no bad side effects, no weird Puritan idea that I “shouldn’t” need them—but life is one long self-experiment so let’s get the science fair started, yo.

To that end I am taking a group “mindfulness” class. That should not be funny but it kind of is. Mindfulness! In a group! Anyway, it’s once a week and we are learning to meditate and be floating pieces of garbage in a sewer-runoff stream. (I think the instructor actually used the image of leaves floating down a river but I urbanized it.)

I cannot say I am 100% sold on the idea of not paying much attention to one’s thoughts—an idea that will make any diarist/blogger nervous indeed—but this class has made me realize why CBT and the like never even began to work for me. That kind of therapy seems to be all about telling yourself NO and STOP and FLIP THE SCRIPT and THINK SOMETHING ELSE. For someone like me, with irrational intrusive thoughts and nonsensical compulsive behaviors, that is counterproductive. I am already plenty strict with myself, thanks. Better for my thoughts to be more like empty Funyuns bags swirling down the gutter, watch them go, don’t follow. Bye.

—mimi smartypants lets the punishment fit the crime.