FIVE-OH TYPESETTING I cannot stop listening to the Chicago police scanner. Be warned, you may be reading highlights here every so often. Here is today’s best exchange from Chicago’s finest. I’ll let you do the accents in your head. Voice 1: Suspect is a male white, about five-nine, wearing gray sweatpants and a black shirt […]
This week I went to San Francisco for about 28 hours, not counting travel time. Here’s how short this work trip was: the television in my hotel room didn’t work and I did not even tell anyone. (I actually meant to say something at checkout but forgot.) Spent an hour in a terrible hotel bar,* […]
WHATEVER THIS IS A video that may not be safe for work, since it begins with a disembodied nutsack. But don’t worry, it’s not a main feature! CLUSTERFUCKITY FUCK I saw the greatest mess yesterday. A cab hit another cab, not seriously, just sort of rear-ended/clipped it a bit. At-fault cab then passed the blameless […]
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