PUSHING, NOT PUSHING Confession: While not a Tiger Mother, exactly, I tend to fall on the COME ON! TRY IT! side of parenting. I will admit to not having a lot of patience with overly fearful kids; although, if I had one, I like to think I would adjust and be respectful and compassionate. You […]
IN PRAISE OF EATING FOOD Hey yo yo. I am in a better frame of mind during this timed typing session (working title: Post Something In 30 Minutes Or GTFO!), mainly because of food. Calories, they are good for the brain. Although I had someone write me and say something like “you should fast more […]
This whole post is going to be a disaster. I am sorry, impressionable young people who may read my blog (where are your parents?) I am sorry, easily-offended Mormons (as opposed to the other kind, and I know there is another kind). I am sorry, relatives of mine who may prefer to remember me in […]
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