YOU WILL LOSE I just got into a competitive handwashing battle with a stranger. She was in my work bathroom (how can I not know her? temp? job candidate?) and she was already going to town with the soap and the scrubbing when I exited the stall and started my process at the other sink, […]
MORE WIN FOR THE WINNERS Nor and I ran a tiny little neighborhood 5K, one that gave out medals for the top three finishers in each age category. The age categories were tiny, too—they started out just “under 14” but after that it was in 5-year intervals. There were more people there with medals than […]
SHUT UP LITTLE (WO)MAN I am feeling petty and small today, and like complaining about things that are really no big deal. But wait isn’t that every day? Ha ha, you’re funny. Look, if we all followed our bliss and found our Zen and did not sweat the small stuff, there would be no more […]
WHERE IS THE FUN IN COMPETENCY I know I am the only one, but I will sort of miss the NFL replacement refs and their crazy shenanigans. I liked it when they would give contradictory calls at exactly the same time, or peek at each other before making a call at all, like an unprepared […]
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