STUFF IS GOOD The last week or two have been pretty great. I mean, I have still grumped and complained off and on because that is what I do, but if this beginning-of-summer is indicative of the rest of the summer, I will be pleased. There has already been drunkenness and open flame in the […]
BEFORE IT WAS COOL Every time Nora mentions a schoolyard “thing”—like cracking an imaginary egg on someone’s head, “no tag-backs,” cooties, “first is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairiest chest,” rhymes about burning down the school, etc—she is ASTONISHED if I already know about it. I almost always […]
TOO MUCH, MAGIC BUS A very drunk man is yelling on the bus. “I DO NOT LIKE WHITE PEOPLE! White people on this bus, I will BEAT YOUR ASS! Who on this bus is white and wants their ASS BEAT?” Silence. No white person seems to want his or her ass beat. He goes on […]
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