HOW LATE IT WAS HOW LATE It seems like forever ago I went to Seattle but I have not had much of a spare goddamn minute to type lately, because work is insane and home seems like a place of pajamas, wine, and staring blankly at frightening Bravo programs. Well, and it’s also been really […]
Hello. I am taking a short break from eating all the blackberries to try and post a little something. This is not easy as there are so many blackberries to be eaten. Cannot find blackberries in your produce stores, at your farmers markets, or growing on bushes in your forests? That is because of me. […]
THEY PUT TUBES IN ME And everything is normal. Yay, no massive bleeding intestinal tumors; boo, I still have crappy blood and no one knows why. It is up to the internist now to probe further (please no: endoscopy + colonoscopy was PLENTY OF PROBING)* or prescribe me a steak a day or whatever. This […]
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