Friday evening I picked Nora up from her “playdate” (terrible word) while feeling a bit crummy. I had an old-fashioned literal stomachache, with the pain centering around my belly button and not getting better no matter what I did for it. I managed to get Nora some dinner before heading to the upstairs bathroom and […]
MY STUPID MUSCLES I just came back from my first run after totally breaking myself at weightlifting class. For almost two full days I made oofing noises when going down the stairs or lifting my arms, and even had to do that thing where you freefall the last few inches to the toilet seat because […]
1. I am the one who takes down all the cutesy passive-aggressive bathroom notes at work and throws them away. I’m sorry, but when I am washing my hands I do not need to read “Please Pick Up Your Dishes, This Is NOT A Hotel! [smiley face]” or “Ladies: If You Sprinkle When You Tinkle, […]
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