AND NO, I’M NOT REFERRING TO SOCCER It is football season! Well, preseason. But that is good enough for me because I love football. I read a football book (which was just okay, not great) and I have been watching televised football games and eating football snacks (well, maybe not traditional football snacks: vegetarian corn […]
NO, YOU SHUT UP I think I need to quit Facebook because it annoys me on perhaps a weekly basis. I keep having to hide people because of BULLSHIT, like posting disgusting play-by-play descriptions of their dog’s diarrhea or gushing smugly about how pleased they are to be home with their happy sparkly spawn, and—this […]
ON SECOND THOUGHT Although it is maybe not the greatest attitude in terms of my personal safety, I have a really hard time taking little baby teenage gangstas seriously. There was one of these on the train yesterday, and he was listening to some loud music on his phone: no headphones or anything like that, […]
WITHOUT A MAP I need to know what you do when it seems like everything is getting worse and worse. Should I stockpile food and water? Should I throw up my hands and resign myself to the fact that my child will inherit a horrid, toxic, climatically fucked, desperate-gulf-between-first-and-third-worlds planet? Should I stop listening to […]
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