Chicago has turned cold, and my new winter coat is too warm. Wait, back up a minute. Fuck me. Fuck me and my “problems.” My coat is too warm! My husband uses too much soap! My child reads too well for her age, and it leads to awkward conversations! My house has too much storage! […]
INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS The faucet in my upstairs bathroom says Price Pfister. While I brush my teeth my brain goes crazy with bad jokes about “what is the price to pfister” and “Pfister? I hardly know her!” This sort of uncontrolled grossness continues every workday. After walking Nora to school I head to the train and […]
WARNING: I’M ABOUT TO GET ALL DOMESTIC AND SHIT We moved! And professional moving guys are worth every penny of their astronomical cost, if you ask me. I can’t believe we moved ourselves like suckers all those apartment-dwelling years, with our aching feet and flaky friends and double-parked unreliable rental trucks. No, the way to […]
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