LATE WITH THE RESOLUTIONS 1. I will only buy clothing I like. That may seem like a no-brainer, but periodically I panic about not looking “professional” (whatever that means). Then I go shopping and buy whatever fits my body and my very vague conception of how I should look, even though I do not love […]
I seriously doubt there is nine inches of snow out there. There is snow, but not as much as predicted. I am slightly disappointed because NINE INCHES goes so seamlessly with COCK that I was looking forward to all sorts of dirty weather jokes. But alas it is not to be. Another “alas” is that […]
TWENTY TEN Y’ALL/ POLAR BEAR’S DEN Y’ALL/ HE’S NAMED SVEN Y’ALL Well, that certainly was a lot of holidays. We had Christmas (cookies and Webkinz* and science toys), my birthday (pasta and wine), New Year’s Eve (girls eventually asleep in footie pajamas, their parents drunk on good beer, an unfortunate-but-brief tour of terrible pornography on […]
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