a designated center of excellence
1. Oh dear! Look how shriveled! Let this be a warning to you.
2. After LT closed up his office and took a proper job, we inherited all the office plants. That's fine with me because I like houseplants. But there is one plant that really needs to get over itself; if I forget to water it for a few days it DROOPS all flamboyantly, O MY PARCHED LEAVES, back of the hand to the forehead and Morrissey on the mixtape. What a fucking drama queen. As soon as I get busy with the watering can it perks right back up again. Oh excuse me I thought you were DYING, well you look perfectly healthy now.
3. I quite like rap shout-outs to the “party people.” I wish that there were an easier way to search bits of lyrics, or that iTunes Genius was more of a genius, because I feel the need for a Tribute To The Party People playlist. It is nice that the party people exist, they are ready and waiting for you to turn that mother out, and if you get stuck in the hip-hop lyric-writing you can just dedicate a line or two to them. Or hell, a whole chorus. They deserve it.
4. And it almost goes without saying, but I also love the breakdown in “Total Trash” (Sonic Youth) where one starts to think that there's pretty much no way they are coming back from this (especially once it gets down to feedback and syncopated drums). But they do.
5. It would be quite easy to search my diary and prove that I have been rhapsodically in love with pretty much every age Nora's ever been. I am about to do it again and babble about the wicked coolness that is six years old. Old enough for reason and logic and fascinating conversations, young enough to be an unselfconscious goofball and full of imagination. Whenever I eavesdrop on the imagination, though, I am always struck by the amount of exposition Nora includes. I posted this (bottom of the page) two years ago, and just yesterday she was leaping about her room in a homemade Spider-Man mask and saying, “Quick! I will hide in my secret lair! My secret lair is really this area in front of my closet, but what are you gonna do.” That is a DIRECT QUOTATION. Spider-Man does not have the greatest of secret lairs, but what are you gonna do, you know? Fugghedaboudit.
6. People Who Are Kind Of Sexy Despite Also Being Kind Of Weird-Looking: Gordon Ramsay. That girl in the Progressive Insurance commercials. Ric Ocasek. The Dog Whisperer (but only if he is not talking, because I can't really take all that shit about energy and manifesting and so forth). Lisa Leslie (first player to slam-dunk in a WNBA game).
7. Nora was watching some superhero cartoon and I heard one character warn that another character's actions could, and I quote, “plunge the city into an irreversible maelstrom of chaos.” Wow, that sounds serious. I always subtract points from Nora's beloved superhero cartoons for the clichÉs and the melodrama, but I suppose I should add some points back for the vocabulary lessons.
8. Ant slave rebellion! Attica!
—mimi smartypants can't rock the house without the party people.