THE FROZEN BUNDLE OF SUCK AND TOO MANY BORING DETAILS Midwesterners, rejoice! The weekend temperatures are supposed to be around 20°F! Oh I am so excited. We are running out of metaphors to describe this extra-special cold. I hope that the rest of the winter is just regular cold, so as not to tax our […]
BAG OF FUN I had an haircut appointment the other day and as I gathered up my stuff to leave the hairdresser started exclaiming over my funbags. Or rather, she squealed that she loved my “fun bags,” meaning my (very pedestrian) purse and my (somewhat snazzier) bookbag. It startled me a bit, because I am […]
WHAT'S MY NAME Wait, 2009? What the eff? Where have I been? My holidays were definitely a mixed bag.* The gift-and-cookie fest was good, but LT got deathly ill with strep throat just in time for my birthday, missing my dinner out and everything. And sick people are irritating. I know that is not nice […]
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