TOURISTS ARE THE EXPERTS NOW So I am walking to Trader Joe's and I pass an older couple who is sort of blocking the sidewalk while they gawk at the Medinah Temple. The male half of the couple is a real know-it-all type with a loud booming voice, he is wearing some sort of heinous […]
MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES 1. Lately when I drive I sometimes suffer from a variation on the classic OCD “did I hit someone” thing, where instead I fret and wonder if someone just hit me. Like when I was driving next to a garbage truck and heard an odd noise, and as I passed the truck […]
SHOVED TO THE SIDE AND IT'S MY OWN DAMN DIARY All the happenings lately seem to belong to Nora. So get ready for some mommyblog action. Numbered for clarity and because that is so totally the way I roll. I roll in an orderly fashion, curled up like a little ball, with arabic numerals preceding […]
GOODWILL GESTURE DENIED For some reason I get disproportionately irritated by etiquette-challenged people. I dropped Nora off at a birthday party recently, semi-excited because as a working lady it was one of my few chances to meet any other kindergarten parents in person, but when I met the host's mother she not only stayed seated […]
HOORAY IT'S OVER No more election baloney clogging up my bandwidth! I know, it is very un-civic-minded of me. Yesterday when I was leaving work a woman in the elevator said, “I am so excited! It’s like Christmas Eve! And if I wake up to President Obama, it will be the best Christmas ever!” This […]
WELL I NEVER LT was out Saturday night so I had a little marathon of wine and snacks and being a lazy bum with lots and lots of TiVo-recorded crap, including an episode of The Shield, which I find increasingly hard to like and yet cannot stop watching. There is just something about an amoral […]
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