MY LIPS ARE SEALED I have received email (I love email!) asking me where I am, what's wrong, why no posts, etc. This was a surprise because it is totally normal for me to have long stretches of nothing between diary entries, particularly the past few years* when my life is all full of time-consuming […]
ATTENTION ATTENTION All ten-year-old boys in the West Rogers Park area: there is a really gargantuan black bra just lying out in the grass, corner of Sacramento and Granville. Perfect for a rudimentary slingshot, simple gawking, or tossing at your friend's head (now he is covered in boob cooties! hilarious!) Limited-time offer, act now. BENJAMINS […]
IT'S ONLY FUN IF IT'S NOT YOUR LIFE I had several days off from work recently, and I spent them pretending to be other people. One I spent pretending to be a stay-at-home mom—I did the drop-off line at school just like a real grown-up driver lady, I grocery shopped, I came home and put […]
OFF SCHEDULE IN A BIG WAY I was late to work yesterday for the cutest reason ever. Nora has suddenly learned to really read, rather than just having a handful of sight words and a moderate grasp of phonics. I was all set in my mind that she would be entering kindergarten as a “pre-reader” […]
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