Trick or treat! It's Superman! She refused to smile because “superheroes always look serious.” Artist's rendering of Superman. I like the multiple attempts at a shirt-center “S.” She got it right on the cape though. Superman sings Superman's favorite song. Eat your heart out, Rivers Cuomo. Happy Halloween. —mimi smartypants is spaced out on sensation, […]
COOL FOR SCHOOL We are thinking of leaving Million-Dollar Montessori and sending Nora to public school for kindergarten next year. In Chicago you can apply pretty much anywhere, although most of the good schools have computerized lotteries because there is a lot of competition. School choice is awesome. School choice also sucks, because any parent […]
MELA MOLTO GRANDE I just ate the hugest motherfucking apple. It was bigger than my head. I got Apple Fatigue only a third of the way through. I wanted to stop but I didn't want to throw it away, and you can't keep it because it gets all brown and horrible. So I just kept […]
IT SUCKS LIKE A KNIFE Now that I have been driving more (on non-work days, at least), I am slowly being reintroduced to various features of our car. For instance, I was complaining about my space-time difficulties with regard to pulling into/out of our barely-two-car garage, without bonking into the neighbor's vehicle or the side […]
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