Nora has turned four, and has become (vertically) giant. She just shoots up and up and never out. For a joke the other day I dug some 18-month-size leggings out of the giant bin of giveaway baby clothes and told her to put them on, and while they stopped well above her knees the waist […]
NOTES FOR SOMETHING ELSE OR MAYBE NOTHING AT ALL: WRITTEN ON A RECEIPT FROM TARGET Winter, economize. On everything—food/sleep/sex, new experiences, the number of notes in my listening material. (The drone is now compulsory.) I loved her because she didn't know how not to look at people. Eye contact like a torn map and we'll […]
LUKE I AM YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER In my last post I mentioned going to the gym, albeit in a gentle, Nora-centered context (about the way she marched in and took over the childcare room). If that was not enough of a hint, here is where I come clean. I have gone over to the dark […]
I like the people who cry and eat. Eat and cry. Emo kids a-snacking. Wasn't that one of the Twelve Days of Christmas items? Recently I followed a link from my own stats where the blogger mentioned my numbered-paragraph habit as if it were something original and/or chock full o' meaning, which made me snort […]
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