HELLO, MY NAME IS BITCH. FROM THE PLANET UH-OH. Everyone has heard the standard relationship advice about “fighting fair.” I hear that you feel that I am being an asshole. I honor your hearing of my feeling that you are being an asshole. And so forth. LT and I tend to fight fair by default, […]
DISJOINTED PARAGRAPHS OF THE SORT WE HAVE COME TO EXPECT My approach to keeping my diary in any sort of regular fashion is becoming very similar to my approach to exercise—I avoid it for long stretches because (cue whiny voice) it's so hard, and it will take up too much time (although let's be honest, […]
OH LOOK, A CAT STORY ON THE INTERNET. HOW NOVEL. Last weekend, as threatened, we did turn up at the animal shelter, and a rather cute shaved-head boy put us in a roomful of cats. One skinny little yellow thing hopped up on my lap almost immediately, and although we introduced ourselves to a few […]
What would be the polar opposite of the days when I walk around radiating compassion like a visiting yogi or epileptic Russian saint, mentally namaste-ing my fellow CTA riders, recalling that each person on the street was once a tiny baby wholly deserving of love? Oh yeah, it would be days like today, where my […]
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