mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

Archive for August 2006

cold like the desert at night

TEE EM MOTHERFUCKING EYE This is going to be a huge, overly personal mishmash, but I need to write it down. Lately I feel like crap, much of the time. I feel dumpy and awkward and weepy and mood-swingy and extremely low-energy. Pick your metaphor: in a fog, sleepwalking, phoning it in, eating beige banana […]

past performance no guarantee of future results

HOSTILE ON THE STREET Honestly, I do not go around getting in tiffs with strangers, although if you have read enough of my drivel you may believe otherwise. It is simply more interesting to report my run-in with the neighborhood crazy person than it is to write about the many days that I travel to […]

a specialty for serving boiled food

Now where was I? Hello. Last week I had that reading thing, and at the very last minute I grabbed some puppets and used them to re-enact my alternate Leaving Las Vegas script, which went over fairly well. It was hard to explain to Nora why I needed to bring Elmo with me (“I am […]

ninth floor of city hall

YOU'RE SO PRETTY WHEN YOU'RE AWKWARD TO ME I received a weird compliment today. Or maybe it wasn't a compliment. This other person and I were bitching about the heat, which is Chicago's favorite activity right now and one of which I frankly will never tire, because it is VERY VERY HOT and I cannot […]