GOOD NIGHT, SWEET FURRY FATSO After a few weeks of teasing us with the classic Monty Python “not dead yet” routine, The Cat finally was taken to the vet for the last time on Saturday. We are sad. But it really was time. She had lost a further three pounds in three weeks, she had […]
MUCH, MUCH MORE THAN YOU WANTED TO KNOW After the normal CT scan, I figured I was done with the Blood-Pee Odyssey. (That sounds kind of like a ride at Epcot Center.) I mean, if sophisticated imaging techniques are not revealing anything bad and wrong, then we are good to go, right? Is that not […]
SOMETHING VAGUELY POLITICAL! WATCH ME PRETEND TO WRITE A “BLOG”! Okay, it's not even all that political, but this short, “oh by the way” paragraph in a New Yorker article on container ships made my mouth drop open: Shortly after September 11th, there was an incident in Italy that suggested that Al Qaeda was thinking […]
I TYPE UP SOME POCKET LINT 1. I hate being completely sleepy only a few swallows into my at-home beer. I talked LT into walking to Mean Sikh Liquors* because I really wanted some beer, and I had visions of us watching dumb television and giggling together, an evening activity that has been left by […]
I WILL BRING IT TO WORKSHOP NEXT THURSDAY smartypantsmimi: Want to meet Nora in Mongolia? She's still talking about it. You could take her on a field trip.famouslongago: That would be awesome.famouslongago: Has she been on a horse yet?smartypantsmimi: Nope. She saw a mounted Chicago cop and asked if the horse was real. City kid.famouslongago: […]
When it rains it pours: now I can't find my goddamn ATM card. I know I had it last Saturday, when I stopped at some Logan Square bank to get extra money for a cab that never materialized (I ended up on the #82 bus at 1 am, on International Mister Leather weekend, along with […]
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