THE WEEK’S READING MATERIAL Are You Really Going To Eat That? Eh. But it could just be me: see my earlier prejudice about books made up of collected magazine columns. Nervous System: Or, Losing My Mind In Literature. This reviewer is right: crazy bits are good, reflection bits are not so good. Beware of God. […]
PITY PARTY FOR THE NON-PITIABLE: OR, THE RARE SEMI-SERIOUS POST I did something recently that seems to have triggered a whole bunch of weird feelings and memories. I looked at all our old videos of Nora, particularly the ones from when we were in China. Figlet wrote something about doing this, and part of it […]
For the last week, my cell phone has rung every day with a wrong number. My cell phone rarely rings—I use text-messaging for my “what's up bitches” friend shout-outs, and if I use the phone qua phone at all it is usually to tell the babysitter that I'm going to be a few minutes late […]
This whole week has blown. (Sometimes literally, as you will see below.) No doubt, dogg. This week is straight-up wack. This whole week has deserved to have its cheap K-Mart weave yanked right off its head and stomped on by my Converse Of Justice. Pardon me, I am high on the Quakes. God, these things. […]
The other day we visited Mitsuwa for the first time. It would have been slightly more relaxing had Ms. Nora not been along for the ride, although she did score adorable “kid's ramen” (with panda faces in every bowl!) and some kind of gum product* featuring her beloved Thomas the Goddamned Tank Engine, otherwise known […]
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