TODAY I AM KEEPING IT SIMPLE (STUPID) A whole bunch of nothing lately. A lot of blowing my nose and watching DVDs. I Netflixed this “thriller” called Identity, which I can never remember the name of, even five seconds after I look it up and remind myself, and thus several times I have described it […]
LACKING IN GUILE Eventually Nora will learn how to lie, right? Because things like this just make me embarrassed for her: Me: Nora, please don't [do some crazy, possibly dangerous, unnecessary thing].Nora: Okay. Please go away so I can do it. Because if I don't see it, it can't bother me, apparently. Similarly, the other […]
There are days when I really wish everything looked like this. Dispatches from “Your Produce Man,” which read kind of like David Letterman on Percodan, and no you cannot have these. These are mine. These are for me. I am going to bring them to an open mic night and do a dramatic reading. Well […]
Where have I been? I have been to the doctor, twice: once for a physical and once for a sudden and bizarre sinus toothache. I am annoyed with my body for being so inefficient—is there some reason my symptoms couldn't manifest right before the long-scheduled routine appointment? Anyway, since illness is boring, I will stick […]
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