DUDE, YOU ARE MY HEROThe poet Charles Simic: The plain truth is that we are going to die. Here I am, a teeny speck surrounded by boundless space and time, arguing with the whole of creation, shaking my fist, sputtering, growing even eloquent at times, and then—poof! I am gone. Swept off once and for […]
Don't say I never did anything for you. Here is a place where you can listen to (or read a transcript of) Lyndon Baines Johnson ordering some pants. I like how this web page refers to him as “The Sudden President.” Remember the hilariously-named product “Suddenly Salad”? I guess it still exists, although this page […]
HAPPY RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION DAYNot frothing. Not so wigged out on the drug of Bush-hatred that it's not making any sense. Not coming from unreliable sources. Just some scary shit laid on the table, weblog-style.I wrote some letters today about Sudan. All this dithering about what is “genocide” and what is just “mass killing” is disgusting. […]
Yesterday, I was editing a scientific paper, which is something I rarely do anymore ever since I became THE MAN and made it to the not-very-exalted ranks of the lowest tier of management (the air up here is not fresh and clean and rarefied, but rather warm like a recently vacated bus seat and smelling […]
The attack of the August ennui continues, it seems, and writing things For The Internet feels less like a compulsion than a hobby right now. It's like building a ship in a bottle, only not as stupid. Like knitting, except I have nothing useful when I am done. In some ways that is probably a […]
A day off can really refresh your perspective on all the Terrible Things In The World. Or maybe it just improves one's mood, and makes denial seem like a more plausible strategy. I am coming to really value denial, by the way, and I think that perhaps denial is a fundamental tool for happiness (whatever […]
I have not felt much like posting, or even writing, lately. I go to work. I come home. I read. I play with Nora. I go to bed early. I get upset about stuff.Who knows what is going on, just moodiness or summertime ennui or what, but I feel all sensitive and exposed right now.I […]
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