My day is all squiggly and spasmodic. I cannot get anything done, technology is against me, and I have one of those strange headaches where there is a dulldulldull thudthudthudding that is occasionally interrupted by a little pain zinger, like a cocktail toothpick stuck into my frontal lobe. I can picture the cocktail toothpick clearly—dark […]
I cannot remember where I read this but I think it was in an old issue of Yoga Journal—an article about restorative beverages and about how men can get their “vital essence” back after ejaculation by drinking a beverage made of milk, honey, and various spices. I even dimly recall a reference to an ancient […]
Do you not have a personality? Then this program could help your e-mails sound more like they come from a human being. This guy tried Beggin' Strips, with predictable results. I think every kid tries pet food at some point in his or her life (right? Or was it just me?). My dead childhood dog […]
Everyone wants to feed this girl.Damn she's cute.Even if her mommy is a bad photographer and cuts off her spiky head.—mimi smartypants has backed away from the camera.
CHONGQING, AND MORE OF THE NUMBERING STUFF. I REALLY DO APOLOGIZE.1. When you check into your hotel and find the baby crib already set up in your room, and you realize that you will be handed your daughter the very next day, I certainly hope it's normal to have to go into the bathroom* and […]
Hello! Happy November! Happy Halloween, a little late! And a very, very happy Elevator Safety Week!Let's be careful out there!THAT NUMBERING CRAP, WHICH YOU SO DID NOT MISS, BUT MY TRIP WAS TOO HUGE TO CONSTRUCT NARRATIVELY IN MY PUNY LITTLE BRAINBEIJING1. The flight over was just plain (plane! Oh me so funny) long, and […]
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