ANTONYMIC LINKSMiracles of the next fifty years. Sigh.Yay for the word “pre-columbianize.” MOPEY RATI feel Gothic, not in the candles/eyeliner/bad poetry sense but in the sense that I seem to have swallowed a cathedral, and it is poking me from the inside and making me miserable. I have nothing in particular to be sad about* […]
MENTAL DEBRIS1. Bad things happen when people take themselves too seriously. See Martin Amis, Lou Reed, too many online diarists to count.2. My very handy LT has been painting our spare back bedroom, which is much more involved than a home-improvement novice like me could have ever dreamed: spackling the cracks in the walls, sanding, […]
I do not have a whole lot to say but I am kind of chatty and restless so I will post some things, because no one is here to talk me out of it. First, the Indiana state poem is GODAWFUL. Many things about Indiana are not worth remarking upon (sorry Hoosiers but it is […]
Movies about animals eating people, yay. Go animals! Chew the hell out of us! We deserve it!(Actually, being eaten by an animal is a huge fear of mine, because the whole time it happened I would be screaming and bleeding and dying and also on some level thinking THIS IS SO STUPID. ONLY ME WOULD […]
A GOOD ANTIQUE THINGNumber sixty-five Grand Avenue bus west is a weird ride—icky new townhomes mixed with machine tool shops and rundown funeral homes with Italian names on the signs. I did, however, see a building (not the one in the link) that had the old-timey Schlitz logo incorporated right into its brickwork. The place […]
Excellent! Hats off to these nondestructive pranksters! The East Village needed some sprucing up.I wish we all could be free to talk about and engage in the wonderful world of enemas. (I was not able to stop reading this. Although I wanted to. Desperately.)Yeah, but why? A real man have girl! The only New Yorker […]
WHITECHOCOLATECRAPJUNKI always thought “Exile in Guyville” was way overrated, and now it seems like Liz Phair has proven me right. Her constant whining in multiple publications (eg, Venuszine) that critics are biased against her is not helping my complete lack of respect. Neither is her spread-legged pose on the album cover, her ridiculous hotpants Lolita-finger-in-mouth […]
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