A General History of the Pyrates. So fun. Print it out and take it with you.Which Humor Troubles the Disposition of YOUR Body?A drugstore run is desperately needed. LT goes through soap like Burning Man kids go through body paint, like Robert Pollard goes through Miller Lite, like mariachi bands go through giant sombreros, like […]
SMALL BUT UNBELIEVABLY ICKY1. The way that the cards leap and bounce around, suit by suit, when you win at Solitaire. No! Esc, Esc, Esc! Make it stop!2. The horrible B-flat beeping of my office-lobby ATM machine when it spits your card out.3. The feel of the large Tyvek FedEx envelopes. I hate them. I […]
Someone I work with did not come in today because she reportedly felt “a little punk.” Or at least that is what her message said. Hey, I feel a little punk every day, but I still come in to work! You can just squash that feeling down and get dressed in some non-ripped, non-fishnet tights […]
Transitions are difficult. There are big transitions that are difficult:Sex-change operations.Realizing the music that changed your life is now considered adorably quaint college-radio stuff.Death.Divorce.Unemployment.Moving.Being defrocked after the altar boy's family threatens to sue.PARAGRAPH THAT BEGINS AND ENDS WITH THE SAME PHRASE: READY?And so forth. But the small transitions are hard too. Like getting from idea […]
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