SHINY HAPPY PEOPLEToday = not so good.If you bother to read the following at all, remember that I am coming at this from an emotional, skeezy, hyperbolic angle. This ain't no party. This ain't no disco. This ain't no fooling around. And it sure as hell ain't no intellectually rigorous philosophy of consciousness.To summarize: I […]
In one of my career, not sexual, fantasies I am Nan Talese. Or maybe not Nan Talese exactly, because I think I would miss being me, and all my clothes wouldn't fit. However, I would like to have my own imprint, and to be able to publish all sorts of first novels by all the […]
LIVING ROOMWhat does it mean when your plant won't hold water? That is not a metaphor or some folksy bit of folk wisdom for folks,* it is a literal truth. I have a lovely plant, big and spiky and possibly sort of desert-dwelling, although it has a woody trunk,** which is not usually seen in […]
BUT FIRST, THE is having some issues, or throwing a tantrum, or just generally giving you and me and everyone else on the Smartypants Notify Planet the silent treatment. is not doing its job. I type and I type and I send out a pithy little message via notifylist, and no one gets […]
ON A SCALE OF ONE TO TEN, TEN BEING THE BEST Schubert's “Death and the Maiden” Quartet: 8.5 The Meme Machine by Susan Blackmore: Started out around 7, declining somewhat after the first four chapters (interesting ideas but repetitive prose) Not getting any response to my many e-mails (my lost, lonely words): 1 The weather: […]
I may have mentioned the woman I know who is alarmingly, burstingly, time-and-space-distortingly pregnant. (Seriously, she is so pregnant that the air around her seems wavy with fecundity and I know she feels the time-distortion thing, as it must be irritating to have everyone around you jokingly say, “What, you haven't had that baby yet?” […]
FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF “NO WAY, THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN”Slicked-back hair, mirrored sunglasses, suit and tie, this jag-off in a Jaguar is speeding through a yellow light in River North, and—for real—he is blasting the Phil Collins song “Sussudio” on what is no doubt a very expensive car stereo. I was like: Wait, was […]
Very windy today and this office must be engineered to sway in the wind because I can hear lots of creaking. It gives a tall-ships nautical feel to the workday. I think a dose of intra-office piracy would add a nice touch: the ransacking of other cubicles, the planting of flags, the absconding with small-potatoes […]
Because (I assume) of Passover coming up, and because of my neighborhood being ethnically composed the way it is, the west end of Devon is once again home to a fleet of giant RVs cruising around slowly, using loudspeakers to blast out proselytizing messages to all and sundry. More often than not these vehicles are […]
DELTA WAVESPerhaps because I uncharacteristically drank liquor last night (two girly cosmopolitans with Miss P, in the bar part of an underground Italian restaurant on Dearborn, where they have this MONSTROUSLY KICK-ASS $10 antipasto buffet every night during happy hour time—the best $10 meal you are going to have in the Loop, and that is […]
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