I think I update this thing too often. I know some people profess to like that about me (me meaning the online me, in this case), but still, I think it's too often. With all this updating, this page might start to lose its specialness. For instance, you love carrot cake and you love oral […]
THE JOURNAL THAT SOMETIMES WISHES IT WERE A WEBLOG (by which I mean I'm going all disjointed and choppy and Tourettic today and I don't apologize for it. Well, I do. A bit.)(Also, it gets kind of dark at one point so turn on a night light or something.)*More Dale Peck vs. Rick Moody. I […]
Transitions are hard, linear narrative is artificial and quaint, and thus: In true frantic postmodern jump-cut style, I offer a page full of my own trademarked brand of semiotic jiu jitsu, my word-based jello salad of snapshots from my Pittsburgh trip. This way I can get all the “what I did today” crap out of […]
Drinking tea. (If only it were a beer.) All alone at my desk. (If only I were curled up in a booth at a dive bar with you.) (Yes, you.) Worrying about tomorrow's business trip to Pittsburgh. (If only I were flying away somewhere more interesting, like Florence. Or a remote but perfectly safe, well-appointed, […]
MY BRAIN IS MELTINGSomething about the sky this morning (early) reminded me of Bahrain.* (Where I used to live. In case you are new to me and you are wondering why a morning sky would remind me of a tiny Gulf emirate.) Something about how it was all flat and thin like an old dime, […]
I'D LIKE TO FORCE THE WORLD TO SING (aka MUSIC-RELATED BLATHER)My favorite Stephen Malkmus line: I had a crap gin and tonic at Wounded Knee. Although when I'm singing along I prefer my version of the line, which is: I had a crap gin and tonic, it wounded me. (Because I know the pain of […]
LINKSI really want to get this graphic describing cane blight silkscreened on a t-shirt. Don't ask me why.Lego Mobius strip.These people sell holes. More specifically, they sell holes surrounded by metal. I like the page of perforated metal. For my birthday, I think I want a large piece of perforated metal. TWENTY SEXY THINGS, ALPHABETIZEDAlan […]
SCENES FROM MY THURSDAYMorning. Half-asleep, in bed, I decide that today is Friday. Hooray! Friday! Twelve hours from now I will be all done with work and well on my way to getting tipsy on cheap beer and ruining my hearing with some noise band or other!Today is not Friday.Later. Post-El ride. As I scuttled […]
From the Moron Files: This morning I was eating my granola bar breakfast at my desk and trying to get a CD in the computer at the same time (gotta rock out while I edit), and I absentmindedly stuck the half-eaten granola bar into the disc tray and punched the button to close it. Luckily […]
Let's get one quick housekeeping item about this site out of the way: I have added a picture of myself to the profile. Sort of.Ooooooooo….the floating volleyball head that visits you in the night…..bringing doooooooom….My dreams were full of obviously fake, lame-o “special effects” like that. The volleyball with the face drawn on, the bats […]
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