fuul on the hill
Yawn. I'm weary from the strain of (a) working after 4 days off, (b) once again being forced to wear real pants after spending so much of those 4 days off in my pajamas (it's not fair, the tyranny of enforced real-pants-wearing in the business world. I look quite fetching in my pajamas), and (c) dealing with some insane micromanagement and tomfoolery in the office. Today I showed another adult person, who makes much more money than I do and is supposedly in a position of authority, how to make folders on her hard drive. She was fussing about all the memos and e-mails and documents she had to track, and I happened to mention that I had all of mine in one convenient folder, and she asked, “Well, how do you get a folder?” Hmmm. I mean, I'm not Little Miss Microsoft or anything, but there's a pull-down menu for new folder, and that (wow!) would be how you get a new folder (amazing!).
I was so weary, in fact, that I couldn't even begin to fathom what to put together for dinner tonight, so I stopped at the Pakistani grocery store on the way home (where they always seem slightly baffled if you want to buy something) and got a couple cans of fuul and a package of their delicious pita (charmingly labeled “Al Khayam, King of Pita”). (Out of the many fuul recipes online, I chose this one to link, because I liked how it ended with “eat immediately.” Eat immediately!)
Speaking of food, Thanksgiving was quite tolerable. There was stuffing. Unfortunately it had bacon in it, which was just a goddammed dirty trick to pull on a vegetarian. But my tofu-stuffed shells were enjoyed by all, and of course there were plenty of other side dishes to chow down on, and most miraculously of all, no one really said anything to piss me off. Holidays tend to make me cranky and contrary, and spending time with family usually does nothing to alleviate this feeling. We went out drinking after the family affairs were over, which has become a tradition of sorts. It's a great way to swap family horror stories with your friends, and bars on holidays have this wonderful “survivors of battle” camaraderie.
Also food-related: I thrifted another great housewifery book. How to Use Your Home Freezer (published in 1945), by James D. Winter, MS, who is described as being in charge of “frozen food research” at the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station in St Paul. His bio includes the line, “In fact, working with frozen foods in a hobby of the author as well as his profession.” What a party animal! (“Any hobbies?” “Well, I enjoy working with frozen foods.”) Later in the book, he explains how to freeze “an extra pie.” An extra pie? I wasn't aware there was any such thing as an extra pie.
Two more items that you did not need to know:
(1) I cannot sit still while listening to Debaser. You Pixies people should understand.
(2) I got spam this morning promising to “increase my ejaculation” 581%. Besides the obvious problems with my receiving spam like this (which are ever so numerous), is it even a good idea? Does the method to increase your ejaculation come with a free bucket or something? Because a 581% increase would be a lot, and the usual Kleenex or gym sock would not, I would think, be adequate. And why such a specific increase (581%)? Please, cite your source.
Less typing, more drinking wine. LT should be home soon, to cook up the fuul (I think he has some special secret method, as his efforts are much tastier than mine).
An idea whose time has come: street mattress photography. I think I may submit, my alley often yields up some beauties.
—mimi king size smartypants