mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

Archive for July 2001

so, what's your sign?

I've been having an ongoing discussion via e-mail with one of my friends about jealousy in relationships. I'm curious about people who have jealous tendencies, because I have none whatsoever. Don't get me wrong: my marriage is by no means “open,” and if I found out I was being “cheated on” (to use the Jerry […]

chins for sale

For those of you on the notify list, I apologize for the typo that went out in yesterday's message. I considered running home and committing seppuku, so great was my shame (and she calls herself an editor!), but I decided my apartment had already seen enough blood. Speaking of, yesterday I cleaned up another tiny […]

better than a sharp stick in your eye, but not by much

Sometimes e-mail spam can be unintentionally funny. For instance, I enjoy all-caps subject lines such as HOT HORNY SEX SLUT!!! Or they can be good for one's self-esteem, as in the ever-popular YOU'RE A WINNER!!! Why thank you, I am a winner. This morning I was at a meeting where someone was having trouble talking, […]

scuba, with a side of rockstar

Why do people so desperately want to harsh on Courtney Love? What is it about her that makes people so crazy with bile? Why are there anti-Courtney Love Web pages and some folks will unleash a rant at the mere mention of her name?Personally, I think Live Through This is a decent screamy album, for […]

code blue! code red, white, and blue!

Title: My Fourth of July Holiday Was Rated R For Graphic Violenceby mimi smartypantsLike many of my fellow Americans, I spent part of Independence Day in the emergency room. Unlike many of them, however, my injuries were not caused by lighting 50 bottle rockets simultaneously or any other explosion-related stupidity. No, your friend Mimi, being […]


Welcome to Mimi Smartypants' Incredibly Lazy Blog-Like Thing. This will not be a regular thing, but it was born of necessity. I wrote a “normal” diary entry. In fact I wrote several entries, none of which met my standards. (It may come as a surprise that I have standards at all.) For some reason I'm […]

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