Today is my half birthday. I am halfway to the next age. Do I get half a cake? Can I have half a beer? Will someone treat me to dinner but really pick up only half the check?Most of the time I just feel like myself, but sometimes I like to pretend to bitch and […]
Tonight Martin Amis is giving a reading at the Newberry Library. (Quite a dangerous name. George W. would probably say Newberry Liberry.) Part of me wants to go, but part of me wonders what one gets out of seeing one's favorite authors read. I'd be like, Yup, that's him. That's Martin Amis. That's what he […]
I work in one of those security-obsessed buildings where you need the passkey thing to get anywhere on the floor. We just all got new ones, and while the digital photo makes me look decidedly greenish, I am enjoying the new superstrong power of the magnet or chip or whatever thingy that makes it unlock […]
Chicago (and possibly other places, I didn't look at the Web page that closely) has a chain of home improvement stores called Crafty Beaver. The picture of the beaver has always scared me. {FAUX IRISH ACCENT ON] Oooh, look at his wee beady eyes! He's a crafty beaver, there's no doubt of it! [FAUX IRISH […]
One of the other things my parents brought me when they visited last week was a large box of childhood stuff: old school papers, art projects, crap like that. I guess since they've moved into their empty-nester condo they no longer want to keep stuff like that around. I don't really want to keep stuff […]
Today I am all in purple. Various shades. I like this outift: however I fear I look like some sort of popsicle or Muppet as I walk down the street. My sartorial anxiety was not lessened by the elderly Asian woman who, as I approached the bus stop, exclaimed, “Oh! Not black! Very nice, very […]
So last night I had some beers with Glossosaurus, who I realize does not really want to be referred to as “Glossosaurus” but I just love typing that pseudo-word, and as I've said many, many times before, I make the rules here. I like to think of our meeting as “historic,” or a “summit” of […]
Been a while, hasn't it? It's nothing personal, just that they are trying to kill me at work. Apparently I have performed my job so well and so efficiently that The Powers That Be have decided I am ready and able to take on a whole bunch of extra duties. Moral of the story: be […]
Oh happy day! There is a chicken living in my alley!I shit you not. There is definitely a chicken (actually, probably a rooster, but I prefer to call all chickens chickens, regardless of sex) living in one of the garages in my alley. I've been getting to work very early these days, and as I […]
Rain! All the time! Someone at work advanced the theory that Chicago is just trying to make the newly transplanted Boeing executives feel at home. Since Chicago has a long history of being a Whore for Industry, I could believe it. Well, I could believe it if I were wacky enough to believe that the […]
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