mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

I look like fucking Stevie Nicks!

More news. Two updates in one day. Do you feel the diaryland love?

This actually happened earlier this week and could easily have been included in this morning's entry, but I just idn't have the stomach for it before my tea.

We're not going to India this week. We're in the process of postponing the trip until February, which it looks like the travel agents are going to be cool about. What happened is that LT broke his foot, in a rather spectacular and thorough fashion for just having sustained a simple fall, and now he is in a soft cast and crutches and basically a cripple and he sees an orthopedist on Monday for further stabilization/immobilization.


I've just never been all that great at delayed gratification. I mean, this has been the focal point of my month. London plans were in place, Delhi plans were in place, and my guidebooks and day planners were stuffed full of pieces of paper full of scribbled information and ideas for Agra, Jaipur, and tiger reserves. I had the cholera shots and the malaria medicine. I was ready.

I am moping, but not as intensely as yesterday. I harbored many fantasies of being able to go regardless, but in the long run it would probably be more depressing not to have the trip I planned for than to postpone it a few months.

OK, enough. I shall buck up and be a good camper and look forward to India in February. From what I've read, it's even more temperate then, in the 60 degree farenheit range, which might be nice so it doesn't contrast so severely with frigid London. That makes it hard to pack.

Note to all you junkies in the audience: Swedish Covenant Hospital* is very free and easy with their controlled substances. The ER doctors gave LT a 'scrip for 40 Vicodin. 40! Usually it's like 10 and they make you beg for more. When I picked it up from Osco for him, I couldn't believe the size of the bottle. To help him get in a narcotic-ingesting mood, I practiced my Chloe Webb/Nancy Spungen voice all night (“S-i-i-d! You didn't save me any fucking drugs!”), which I am eerily rather good at. I also have a nearly perfect William S. Burroughs impersonation, by the way. Two heroin addicts with one stone.

*That name makes me laugh. And thus God spake: I shall maketh a covenant with the Swedes!

—mimi smartypants