sweatin' to the oldies
I have a paper cut on my thumb, right where you use it to hit the spacebar. So I get this little jolt of discomfort approximately 10 times per second or so. How lovely.
This weekend was very social and filled with food. Lots of eating various meals with various folks. Lots of Chilean read wine. And Kat gave me a Beanie Baby chicken. I love chickens, in any form.
I should go visit “my” chicken soon. At Lincoln Park Zoo (in the farm area), there's this awesome chicken. His breed is a Golden Polish (at least that's what it says on the sign) and he is red with this funky-ass plume on his head. He shakes it around and looks all proud of himself. OK, technically this boy chicken is a rooster. But it is so much more fun to say “chicken” than “rooster.”
I'm going to go work out at my new gym after work. Yes, I caved. I was suckered by the convenience factor (it literally is across the street from work). And it's not much more expensive than the Y, which is an El ride away. This is a “real” gym, though, with gleaming machines and free towels and personal trainers and evil techno music on the stereo, and I'm scared. Hopefully I can just do my treadmill thing and get out without revealing myself to be too much of a dork. Pray for me.
—the unatheletic mimi smartypants, who has feeble, sticklike arms and legs