can I be a cartoon?
Eeek, Monday. I wasn't ready. I've been here working for hours and I'm still not ready.
Saturday we went to this record store in my neighborhood that's run by Heather McAdams (a cartoonist and filmmaker: her stuff's in the Chicago Reader occasionally). She was showing 2 hours' worth of Tex Avery cartoons on 16-mm. That much Tex Avery in one gulp reminds you how truly wack those cartoons were, and how daring the animation was for the time. I mean, 1955??? Wow! I love the music, too. I think my whole life should be set to Tex Avery cartoon music. Afterwards walked down to the Ten Cat for beers etc. The bar was suffering a minor invasion of the Glamour People, but not too bad.
I'm feeling this need to shop. It's getting warmer out and it's somehow awakening this desire for new clothes. I'm also currently reading this book, “Lead Us Into Temptation: The Triumph of American Materialism” which is all ABOUT shopping, so maybe I can blame my reading material for planting the idea in my brain. Yeah, that's it. Always place the blame somewhere else. Who, me?
—mimi smartypants