live from Center City
This is one of those weird days when I don't really have that much work to do. A lull in the production schedule.
I shouldn't even type those words, as then karma dictates that a huge pile of evil tasks will suddenly flood the in-box. Ever read The Good Earth? Remember how the parents never wanted to say their children were healthy or beautiful or anything like that, because of an old Chinese superstition that talking about your good luck will bring bad luck?
Well, that's me. I'm a superstitious freak, yes, but I seriously never try to make statements like “I never get sick,” or stuff like that. Maybe I've watched too many soap operas. Whenever a character on a soap opera says, “Oh, all the bad stuff is behind us now” or “That was the past…only good times from here on out” you know the writers are setting up a major disaster.
The mention of daytime drama brings me to one of my (many) secret shames, now that we're in confessional mode. Yes, I used to watch All My Children. As in, faithfully. Granted, I was in college at the time, but still. And I still tape it occasionally, just to see the familiar faces, and if I'm home sick I'll sometimes lie on the couch and soak up a bit of the Pine Valley ambiance.
And you thought I was Ms. Intellectual, blathering on about the symphony and postmodernism and David Foster Wallace etc. JOKE'S ON YOU!
—mimi, who's still a smartypants