not so sturdy after all
So halloween is over and we're into a brand-new month. Get excited, people.
I think this is the first year in a long time that I didn't officially wear a costume or do anything in particular for halloween. Among my group of friends, holidays are kind of divided up…LT and I always host New Year's, someone always does 4th of July or whatever, and my friend Dennis always, ALWAYS has a halloween party. Except this year, for some reason. So when no invitation seemed to be forthcoming, I think we got caught a little off guard.
Which is not to say that I didn't have a great weekend. The halloween-related portion of it was last night, when we went to the ritual in Logan Square. I go every year but I have to say last night's was one of the best ever. Lots of fire. Lots of drumming. Lots of giant puppets on stilts (I especially dug the huge pecking bird). If anyone lives in the Chicago area and doesn't go to this, they are fools. It's a procession along Kedzie from Logan to Fullerton…there's different performance art-type installations along the way, and the whole thing culminates with a performance with all the fire and other good stuff mentioned above. People dressed as skeletons leaping and drumming and generally putting on an incredible show. It's done by this performance/theater collective called Redmoon Theater, who are also worth checking out even if it's not halloween.
Lots of folks last night were in costume, but there was also a healthy contingent of people like me and LT who did not wear costumes per se, but did make an effort to look as freaky as possible…I wore my giant paper mache “art hat,” which looks kind of like antennae and is really hard to describe, and LT wore a suit and tie and stuck all these electronics parts and wires all over it. It was fun. I wish there were days other than just halloween where ritualistic spazzing out was officially sanctioned.
Back to work now, though. It's a gray day and I did one of my famous swoons on the El platform on the way here, which made me late for work. Did I ever mention I'm a famous fainter? I don't know if it's low blood sugar or what (I DO eat breakfast) but I pass out at the drop of a hat. Today at least I managed to stay on the platform until the pale sweaty dizziness had passed, thus sparing me the indignity of collapsing on the El. The CTA folks insist on getting an ambulance, even though it's so not necessary, and you end up making all those nice people late for work. And how do I know all this? Horrifyingly, it's happened before.
So if I've ever made you late for work because of my pathetic Victorian weak sister propensity to swoon, and you're reading this, I officially apologize. Offer me your seat next time so I can put my head between my knees and we can all get downtown in a timely fashion.
—mimi smartypants